
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good Beer on a Budget 3: Stoudt's Fat Dog

As opposed to usually where the thought storms into my mind "Maybe I should write a blog post... ah, nevermind, I'll do... anything else," tonight I actually will publish a post! Tonight, I'd like to share with you the wonder of the Fat Dog.

Taste: Similar in many ways to Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout, another of my favorite good beers on a budget, this like liquid chocolate velvet cake (without being overly sweet.) The mouthfeel is fairly thick without being like Southern Tier's Choklat, which is like Syrup. This beer is excellent, there is a subtle hint of coffee, a decent amount of dark chocolate that becomes more intense and builds up to a sizable amount if you're like me and can't just have one. For those of you that are partial to beers that are utterly delicious, you simply MUST try this. It's a self described "Imperial Oatmeal Stout," which means it will have a tendency towards being a little more sweet. This beer is in my wheelhouse for sure.

ABV: This beer is no shrinking violet, checking in at around 9% ABV. You'll definitely get what you pay for in terms of taste and warmth. I actually like the fact that it's not above 10% because that means there'll be more showcasing of the flavors than the hot-ness of the ABV. After two, you'll be warm and pleasant... and possibly be ready for bed.

Price: This is the best part... ready for it? How about now? Ok... $11 per 6 beers! Oh hells yes! I actually am physically struggling not to bolt off the couch to hit Total Wine down the street and pick up another Sixer... I think I can exercise some self control (but who would want to if you could get some of this stuff?)

Bottom Line: Like stronger stouts? Are your favorite Nature Valley bars the Dark Chocolate ones? Do you fancy chocolate cake? Are you alive? Ok, then run, don't walk, to the store and acquire some of said beverage, it's beer geek ambrosia.

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